The Shipwright's Arms at Hollowshore
The Shipwright's Arms at Hollowshore

Opening hours

Opening Hours


Monday: Closed

(Except Bank Holidays)
Tuesday: Closed



Bar: 12-8/9
Food: 12-2



Bar: 12-8/9
Food 12-2.30 & 6-8



Bar: 12-9
Food 12-3 & 6-8


Sunday: 12-7
Food 12-3

(Please note that closing times may vary and we may stay open if busy).


Extra Information 


Christmas 2024 Opening


Monday 23rd CLOSED 


Christmas Eve 12-5

Food 12-3


Christmas Day: CLOSED


Boxing Day 12-5

No food


Then normal hours until 


New Years Eve 12-5


New Years Day 12-5 

Food 12-3



Please note that we do not take reservations.

Find us on Facebook:

The Shipwrights Arms Hollowshore                        Instagram: @pubhollowshore

Call us:

Please note that we are closed on Mondays. (Except Bank Holidays).

The Shipwright's Arms




ME13 7TU

01795 590088

Eating at the Shipwright's


We are a traditional pub that serves good 'Pub Grub' at certain times. We do not have a restaurant and do not take bookings.

Sandwiches, jacket potatoes and basic 'pub grub' such as Scampi or Cod & chips, home made Chilli and rice or chips, Burgers, Hot Dogs, home cooked Ham, egg & chips  and sausage & mash etc.

Our specials vary daily, but often include things like home made liver and bacon.

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© The Shipwright's Arms