The Shipwright's Arms at Hollowshore
The Shipwright's Arms at Hollowshore

Opening hours

Opening Hours


Monday: Closed

(Except Bank Holidays)
Tuesday: Closed



Bar: 12-8/9
Food: 12-2



Bar: 12-8/9
Food 12-2.30 & 6-8



Bar: 12-9
Food 12-3 & 6-8


Sunday: 12-7
Food 12-3

(Please note that closing times may vary and we may stay open if busy).


Extra Information 


Christmas 2024 Opening


Monday 23rd CLOSED 


Christmas Eve 12-5

Food 12-3


Christmas Day: CLOSED


Boxing Day 12-5

No food


Then normal hours until 


New Years Eve 12-5


New Years Day 12-5 

Food 12-3



Please note that we do not take reservations.

Find us on Facebook:

The Shipwrights Arms Hollowshore                        Instagram: @pubhollowshore

Call us:

Please note that we are closed on Mondays. (Except Bank Holidays).

The Shipwright's Arms




ME13 7TU

01795 590088

Real Ales

We are proud to serve real ales mostly brewed in Kent, by Goachers and other Kent breweries. We also occassionaly have a guest beer from outside the County, at the moment this is Harveys Best from Sussex.

We usually have a dark mild, a couple of standard beers and  at at least one 'fruity' beer in the summer and one dark beer in the winter on offer.

As you would expect, a feature of the pub is that our real ales are gravity fed straight from the cask, (so there are no beer lines to clean), a rare thing these days.



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© The Shipwright's Arms